Welcome to my awards site


February 1999
You receives our Golden Award for a very stylish and fine page!
Galardon al Mejor Diseņo
Cecilia & Lars:
We are very proud to receive this beautiful prize. Thank you very much !!!
February 1999
Bata and I have checked 
out your site and have decided that your site has heart. 
So, Bata and I would like  to present you with Bata's Golden Heart Award. 
Diana & Bata Awards Diane & Bata:
Lars are so happy to receive your Award !
Thank You !!!
February 1999
I have visited your site
and it is really beautiful.
I would like to present
your site with The Award of BeautyFor A Beautiful
Diana & Bata Awards Diane you must see the
hapiness from Lars !!!
We are so proud for reciving
so a beautiful present.
February 1999
Dear Lars
Thank you for letting us visit your site and keep up the great work,
Sarah, Jason, & Mom(Yakchat)
Saraha awards
Dear Sarah
Thank You For this magical and Pretty Award !!!
February 1999
Dear Lars
Thank you for letting us visit your site and keep up the great work,
Sarah, Jason, & Mom(Yakchat)
Jason Awards
Dear Jason
Lars are so happy to receive your Award !
Thank You !!!
March 1999
Dear Lars
Thank you for visiting my site. I would love for you to have my award.
Dear Xander
We are very proud to receive this beautiful prize. Thank you very much !!!
March 1999
Hi Lars,
Here is my award for you, hope you like it !!
Dear Sophie
I can not thank you enough
for the beautiful Award !!!

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